Saturday, July 26, 2014

Jet Lag

8 days into my trip my sleep schedule is still broken.  This should come as little surprise to those of you who know how eager I am to change even things so trivial as pen colors, parking spaces, the (one) meal I'll order at a given restaurant, or my seat at church.  My constancy is more than preference: it goes down to my bones.

I've slept 4-5 hours each night, always waking between 4 and 4:30, and never able to get back to sleep.  I don't nap during the day in the hopes that I'll be well and truly tired by night.  I am well and truly tired by about 2pm.

Hopefully the next few days should finally convince my body that it's worth changing.  I am tired.

1 comment:

  1. The night I posted that I stayed up extra late, and managed to sleep until 6. Since then I've managed to keep an approximately 11pm-6:30am schedule, which is fine by me!
