Saturday, July 26, 2014

First Impressions

India is vibrant and dirty -- people in colorful clothes are variously engaged or idle on streets strewn with garbage, swirling with dust, and swarming with pedestrians, motorcycles, tiny cars, and livestock.  There are advertisements, music, and peddlers everywhere.

In general i feel quite safe.  Without smiling, the people seem to exude a vibe of tolerance, patience, and good will.Men walk arm-in-arm, and people seem content to lean against strangers, even me.  At a nice restaurant wild and unruly children were met with kindness from playful waiters.

Because different parts of India speak so many different languages, English is the lingua franca but Hindi is in there too.  Most conversations among natives seem to be in a mix of English and some Indian language (I can't distinguish them, but know that Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, and Tamil have been among them).

Traffic is wild, but gets the job done.

Signage and new and shredded pasted hand-bills cover every surface proclaiming the small businesses, real-estate offers, and local politicians in a mix of Hindi, Kannada, and English.

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